For my remediation, I created a poem/rap to present to the class. In the rap, I explained the most important parts to my research paper. I explained where I was hoping to implement my program, why my method was more effective, a brief explanation of my program, and a bit of my counterargument rebuttal. I think my rap did an overall good job of explaining my topic in a clear and concise manner. To reinforce my idea I had also briefly explained my idea in a paragraph. I'm not sure if this was entirely necessary or efficient, however I do believe that it added a bit of clarity to my rap.
I think that my presentation went better than expected. When I was writing my poem/rap, I was slightly embarrassed and nervous to even think of spewing the words out of my mouth. However, as I started to recite my rap, the audience's reaction gave me a confidence boost which allowed me finish strong. One thing that I noticed watching my video is that my eyes are glued on my paper. Since I had spent a larger amount of time to produce my rap, I had not allocated enough time to memorize it. I was so afraid that I would mess up my lines, to the point where my message could become unclear, that I forgot to look towards the audience. The projection of my rap also presented, no pun intended, some problems during my presentation. I was not expecting to project my lines, which resulted in me having to scroll down my document as I was presenting. This caused a bit of stutter to my presentation as well as completely destroying my flow of words. Overall, I think that even though I have some points to improve on, I did a fairly decent job.
Some of my favorite comments from classmates are the following:
"Better than TYGA"
"Clear voice & loud"
"You killed it"
"Spoke with confidence"
Most of my feedback were positive, leading me to believe that my classmates enjoyed my remediation.
You can watch my remediation on YouTube, here.
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